My design research work in Human Centered Design and Engineering focused product design, video prototyping and speculative design. Speculative Design is meant to pique interest and curiosity about a subject as an opening for discussion. It seeks to provoke new questions that challenge our assumptions.
Rather than take up sides to provide the single solution to a problem, it seeks to offer possibilities that might uncover new understandings about how to approach a problem space. Research through design by making things invites reflection and out of the box thinking.
Led discovery, research and prototype to create an early child development speculative design product. Presented design at ConveyUX20 Conference.
A speculative design video prototype of a light and sound artifact that interprets and displays emotional intent.
A speculative design when the largest company designing living spaces, starts designing for choosing personality expressions for lived experiences.
A speculative design of using a wearable to test for drug potency and auto-administer antidotes to minimize death by overdose using FitBit’s software development kit.
My UX (user experience) projects focus on the human experience aspect. I ground the research by asking:
What is the emotional tenor of the experience and how might exploring this better lead to better outcomes?
Where might we explore and encourage curiosity?
How might we take risks?
A research project sponsored by Pacific Northwest Energy Laboratory and Pacific Marine Energy Center.
A three week project recording data on London’s Canal system to create an interactive experience.
How might we understand peoples’ experience of transformation throughout their lives?
Website usability study of the online application for seniors to apply for property tax reduction or exemption.
A content strategy and design from a brief interview I conducted with a life sentence yoga and mediation instructor for Yoga Behinds Bars.
A digital interface prototype to help speciality retailers to help track inventory stock, reorders, returns, sales planning and forecasting.